Financial Literacy: Invest in Yourself

Personal finance & investing can appear intimidating and complicated. It’s neither.

Knowledge is Power

We live in a society with a wealth gap. What most don’t realize… we also live in a society with a knowledge gap. The wealthy understand the value of financial literacy and investing. The middle class believe investing is "too risky" or don’t know where to begin. Start your journey today; your future self will thank you!


What People Are Saying…

“Personal Finance 101 is a great course I would highly recommend for anyone looking to start a financial secure future at any age. Start having your money work for you! The course provides a good overview of financial terms in a simple, organized way and how to begin with your investing.”

— Jared S

“It’s amazing how easy investing is today, but how few actually do it - including me. Josh’s courses provided a simple foundation and forward for investing and teach the basics to get started. Additionally, it gave my wife and I a platform to have a productive conversation about how we were (or were not) managing our money and allowed us to agree as a couple on a more productive strategy. I’d highly recommend to anyone”

—Eric S

“Given the topics covered during his presentation, it was easy to identify the importance of the content and why exposure to students and young professionals is essential. I believe Josh’s knowledge of the content was critical as it helped students relate and understand the importance.”

— Albert R


Mission Statement

Many believe investing is too complicated and only for the wealthy. Both are untrue. My goal is to help everyone understand the importance of personal finance, financial literacy and share the knowledge I wish someone would have shared with me when I was younger. Your success is my goal!