Financial Literacy: Invest in Yourself
Personal finance & investing can appear intimidating and complicated. It’s neither.
Knowledge is Power
We live in a society with a wealth gap. What most don’t realize… we also live in a society with a knowledge gap. The wealthy understand the value of financial literacy and investing. The middle class believe investing is "too risky" or don’t know where to begin. Start your journey today; your future self will thank you!
What People Are Saying…
“Personal Finance 101 is a great course I would highly recommend for anyone looking to start a financial secure future at any age. Start having your money work for you! The course provides a good overview of financial terms in a simple, organized way and how to begin with your investing.”
— Jared S
“It’s amazing how easy investing is today, but how few actually do it - including me. Josh’s courses provided a simple foundation and forward for investing and teach the basics to get started. Additionally, it gave my wife and I a platform to have a productive conversation about how we were (or were not) managing our money and allowed us to agree as a couple on a more productive strategy. I’d highly recommend to anyone”
—Eric S
“Given the topics covered during his presentation, it was easy to identify the importance of the content and why exposure to students and young professionals is essential. I believe Josh’s knowledge of the content was critical as it helped students relate and understand the importance.”